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T O P I C    R E V I E W
paulgm_2000 Posted - 05 October 2011 : 22:44:27
....well not for another 1 hour and 15 mins officially! But who's counting? :)

I've spent the last 4 and half years with DMP's, IVA's and now bankruptcy so hopefully, as from tomorrow, that's the end of that.

There is the small issue of my £0 IPA which, if you read previous posts, is a matter of some confusion. Hopefully, I should find out about that this week. I'll be gutted if they enforce it tho!

Massive, massive thanks to everyone on this forum, you know who you are! I genuinely am grateful for all your support and advice(sorry i've not posted for a while!).

To those who are not sure whether to use a Bankruptcy assist company - I did and am very glad I did. Purely from a support point of view they are extremely helpful.

For those that think bankruptcy is something to be scared or embarressed by - DON'T BE! The last year has been tough financially, but it is for lots of people at the moment. The massive irony of the last year is that I've had the best year of my life! Got married, changed jobs and have my first baby due in January. What more can a boy ask?

Thanks again all!! xxx

p.s. Does anyone have a link to the 'Guide to repairing credit after bankruptcy' that did the rounds on here a while ago. I think Paul Johns posted it?

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Niobe Posted - 18 October 2011 : 17:17:38
Nice to see you Paul - hope you are well?

Follow through
Make your dreams come true
Don't give up the fight
You will be alright
'Cause there's no one like you in the universe

Skippy Posted - 18 October 2011 : 15:20:03
Mine were done fairly quickly I think. I gave the creditors 28 days to amend the file and I checked a month after that (to give the agencies a chance to update their records) and they were done. Well all except Tesco who are still defaulting me! I need to get that one sorted!

Thanks! I put it in my signature as I wanted people to know that you can get through BR. Congratulations on your marriage and baby x

View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.iva.co.uk/

Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realise that we cannot eat money.

Last IPA payment made on 28th June 2010 and I'm now looking forward to getting married in September 2012 - I'm proof that you can go BR and come out the other side.
paulgm_2000 Posted - 18 October 2011 : 15:11:46
Thanks Tracy!

Will do that, straight away! Did you ever found out how long it took for your Credit file to be updated?

Just noticed your good news about getting married next year! Congrats. I think we're both proof that life goes despite your financial circumstances.
Skippy Posted - 18 October 2011 : 15:06:17
I printed a copy of the notice of discharge from the insolvency register and sent that to the creditors. This is avaiable for 3 months from the date you are discharged and then it disappears from the register.

View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.iva.co.uk/

Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realise that we cannot eat money.

Last IPA payment made on 28th June 2010 and I'm now looking forward to getting married in September 2012 - I'm proof that you can go BR and come out the other side.
paulgm_2000 Posted - 18 October 2011 : 15:01:38
Hi again,

Further to my earlier query regarding my credit file post bankruptcy.....Do I need to get a 'form' of some sort to prove I'm discharged and then send to the credit reference agencies?

Who do I get the form from? What is it called, etc?

Any help is gratefully received as always.

Richard P Posted - 06 October 2011 : 17:35:54
HI Paul

Congratulations and welcome to a debt free future

was it really a year - 18 months ago you posted for the first time

please stay around and help others through their challenges.

Tracey's Blog as above is an excellant source of information

The link Paul Johns posted is *link removed, advertising is not allowed*

Good Luck Richard,
Skippy Posted - 06 October 2011 : 17:08:31
Congratulations from me as well x

View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.iva.co.uk/

Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realise that we cannot eat money.

Last IPA payment made on 28th June 2010 and I'm now looking forward to getting married in September 2012 - I'm proof that you can go BR and come out the other side.
Niobe Posted - 06 October 2011 : 08:17:00
Congratulations Paul, glad to see that you can move on now.

Follow through
Make your dreams come true
Don't give up the fight
You will be alright
'Cause there's no one like you in the universe

glafy Posted - 06 October 2011 : 08:13:16
Congratulations from me too.
Did you stay up to see your status change online?!
Good Luck with everything

"Good things come to those who wait".....I'm a patient person but this is taking the Mickey!!
Viki.W Posted - 06 October 2011 : 07:43:54
Congratulations from me. Good luck for your debt free future.

Here is the link that is usually posted on here:


Viki Warbrooke
Vincent Bond & Co
If you would like free advice on all options available and help with your bankruptcy petition please contact me at http://www.vincentbond.com/about_us_Viki_Warbrooke.asp
Please read my experience of debt via my blog at http://vikiw.blogs.iva.co.uk/

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