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 Bankruptcy forms - credit card debt details

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ade65 Posted - 06 May 2008 : 19:29:20

Just wanting to get a bit more information regarding completing the bankruptcy Statement of Affairs form. For credit cards, where it asks (5.2) when they were obtained, how do people fill this in? - I can't remember when I first got my credit cards/debit cards, and can't be the only person who can't remember.

Likewise in section 4, where you have to list your creditors, and it asks for the date the debt was incurred - when it relates to ongoing expenses/expenditure rather than a single big item, what do people put on the form?

Any help appreciated,

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jay Posted - 06 May 2008 : 20:58:12
good question,dont know about anyone else, but i never intended to look at br....so never thought i would ever need to keep statements....dont need to look at what i got into debt for on a daily basis!!!
melanie_giles Posted - 06 May 2008 : 20:57:13
Just try to be as accurate as you can with regard to the time you took out your cards. At the end of the day the OR will check this out with the card provider in any case.

And to your second query - the wording of "general household and personal expenditure" ought to suffice.

For an informal chat about any financial difficulties, or advice as to the options available, I can be contacted via my website - www.melaniegiles.com

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