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T O P I C    R E V I E W
leslie.p Posted - 07 July 2008 : 16:22:34
have they got something against me????
bankruptcy in the local paper AGAIN today, thats the 3rd time so far.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JulianDonnelly Posted - 09 July 2008 : 17:28:44
Glad we could help!


Julian Donnelly
Spokesperson for www.Bankruptcyhelp.org.uk
leslie.p Posted - 09 July 2008 : 15:49:12
very good julian lol.
why do i bother with yellow pages.
JulianDonnelly Posted - 08 July 2008 : 14:51:11
Hi Les,

Get any more ads in the paper, and Hello will probably contact you for an interview and photo shoot :)


Julian Donnelly
Spokesperson for www.Bankruptcyhelp.org.uk
melanie_giles Posted - 07 July 2008 : 22:20:59
That is a different advertisement and they are entitled to place this one Leslie.

For an informal chat about any financial difficulties, or advice as to the options available, I can be contacted via my website - www.melaniegiles.com
leslie.p Posted - 07 July 2008 : 19:56:10
i contacted the OR last time it was in and i was told that they can put it in as many times as they like.
this time it tells of my creditors meeting.
melanie_giles Posted - 07 July 2008 : 19:26:18
You really do need to get to the bottom of this Leslie - this is simply not fair.

For an informal chat about any financial difficulties, or advice as to the options available, I can be contacted via my website - www.melaniegiles.com

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