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 bankruptcy postbag for july
 HELP! Has my time run out?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Trolly-Dolly Posted - 14 July 2008 : 11:58:22
Oh Good Grief!
And to think the day started so well.

Just got a letter from MBNA. Would really appreciate anyones take on things.

Have not paid for 2 months, owe them £3000.
Planning on going BR on August 20th when we have saved the fees.

Letter said that if I do not respond in seven days they will commence court action which will reslut in a CCJ. THEN, they will go for an Attachment of Earnings followed by a charging order on the property.

Thanks to some previous advice from Paul Johns, I'm not worried about the charging order as I know that this would take approx 8 weeks. But the attachment of earnings? I really dont want this. I've just got my head around payroll resetting my tax code, but now MBNA saying they will take my employer to court to get at my earnings! Its too much!

In all honesty, will this be achieved before we go BR in 5 weeks?

You can read my blog here;

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JulianDonnelly Posted - 14 July 2008 : 13:40:54
Glad I could help!


Julian Donnelly
Spokesperson for www.Bankruptcyhelp.org.uk
Trolly-Dolly Posted - 14 July 2008 : 13:23:45
Thanks Julian, that clears things up for me and makes sense.

You can read my blog here;

JulianDonnelly Posted - 14 July 2008 : 12:02:59
Hi DM,

I feel it is unlikely they'll get a chance. In any evernt, when the court docs arrive in the post before the hearing, fill out the acknowledgement of service with a breakdown of your income & expenditure and an offer of monthly payments. If awared at court, as long as you make the monthly payments, the creditor cannot move forward on a warrant of execution/charging order etc. Once you are BR, the debt will cease to exist anyway.


Julian Donnelly
Spokesperson for www.Bankruptcyhelp.org.uk

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