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 bankruptcy postbag for july
 Early Discharge Question

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Trolly-Dolly Posted - 15 July 2008 : 21:34:50
Evening all,
I keep reading about ED, why do ORs grant this? What circumstances usually warrant this? Just curiosity really, you never know, i may be one of them!

You can read my blog here;

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Skippy Posted - 16 July 2008 : 16:12:54
I think (and I'm sure Suzanne will correct me if I'm wrong!) that if you aren't in an IPA you will be sent a new I & E to fill in. I was already in an IPA so I didn't get anything.

Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.

View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/
369 Posted - 16 July 2008 : 16:08:53

I did actually think it would be 12 months, then they told me it would be ED, and then changed their minds!!!

If you are automatically discharged, do you fill in any forms? Or does it just happen? If i havent entered into an IPA already will they make me do that before my discharge date?

Thank you
Skippy Posted - 16 July 2008 : 16:02:43
My advice to anyone would be expect to do the full 12 months and if you get early discharge it's a bonus. To be honest it's not long when you think of the amount of money that we have written off! Although my case seemed fairly straightforward with no assets I didn't get ED.

Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.

View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/
369 Posted - 16 July 2008 : 15:33:07

I just came across this post and thought I would join in, I went bankrupt on the 2nd Nov 07 and I was told by my OR that i would be discharged on the 23rd June 08, then I emailed them and said I had not received anything in the post and they said oh no you are not getting an early discharge now, you have to wait for your automatic discharge in November!!! Does this mean that something has happened that I don't know about?

So, even if you are told that you will have an ED then most of the time you cant believe them!!!

melanie_giles Posted - 15 July 2008 : 23:44:36
Early discharge is granted when the OR has concluded his/her investigations and they do not feel that it is in the public or creditors interests for the case to remain open. This usually relates to cases with no assets.

For an informal chat about any financial difficulties, or advice as to the options available, I can be contacted via my website - www.melaniegiles.com

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