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 Its Been Almost A Year Now Since BR

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UPINSMOKE Posted - 02 October 2008 : 12:08:48
Well its be almost a year since I went Bankrupt. Everything is going well, and I can now manage my money much better now. It seems only yesterday I was so worried about the BR and all the OR questions. So my heart goes out to all of you that are just following the same path that I went down.

But I do have one question if anyone can answer My year is up on the 24th of October. and was wondering if the OR contacts you before or after you are declared a Discharged Bankrupt. Any thoughts please

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Needafriend Posted - 02 October 2008 : 13:00:51
Hi when i said the print of bit i meant look at your name on the insolvency site and simply print it off.

If you want a copy of your discharge cert i would call the court where you did the BR and ask what there procedure would be.

Good luck with it all.

Jo x

Please visit my blog for info on how I got here and other information to guide you through from my experience called:

"Needafriend's New Debt Free Life with Links and added info on Bankruptcy!" available to view at:

UPINSMOKE Posted - 02 October 2008 : 12:38:55
Originally posted by Needafriend

From my understanding you can apply to that court no more than 2 weeks before discharge to obtain the paid certificate, otherwise go online to the insolvency site and print of the page saying Discharged.

Went to the Insolvency site but cannot find the Discharge form. Would it be possible to post a link to it please.

Needafriend Posted - 02 October 2008 : 12:23:26
From my understanding you can apply to that court no more than 2 weeks before discharge to obtain the paid certificate, otherwise go online to the insolvency site and print of the page saying Discharged.

Good luck

Jo x

Please visit my blog for info on how I got here and other information to guide you through from my experience called:

"Needafriend's New Debt Free Life with Links and added info on Bankruptcy!" available to view at:

UPINSMOKE Posted - 02 October 2008 : 12:18:44
Originally posted by JulianDonnelly

Hi Mick,

Unless you've heard otherwise, discharge is automatic on the first annivaersary of your BR. You can then go back to the court you were made BR, pay £60 and obtain a certificate of discharge. You can also request from your OR a letter confirming your discharge.

Thanks for the quick reply, do I have to go to the courts to get a certificate of discharge. I have never hererd of this before, is there any advantage in obtaining one. Also why do I have to request a letter from my OR confirming my discharge. i thought they would send me one anyway.

JulianDonnelly Posted - 02 October 2008 : 12:10:49
Hi Mick,

Unless you've heard otherwise, discharge is automatic on the first annivaersary of your BR. You can then go back to the court you were made BR, pay £60 and obtain a certificate of discharge. You can also request from your OR a letter confirming your discharge.

Julian Donnelly
Spokesperson for www.Bankruptcyhelp.org.uk
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