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 Advice Needed - Creditor Hassle!!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Murphy Posted - 24 September 2010 : 19:51:09

I was made bankrupt in March of this year. One of my creditors has recently sold the debt onto another creditor who are hounding me day and night, despite the fact that I have given them all the information they asked for - bankruptcy number, dates etc.. Is there anything legally I can do to stop this, my nerves are shattered once again, it's like going through all the horror all over again!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bigal4787 Posted - 26 September 2010 : 00:56:47
As previous posts indicate,refer the creditor to the OR, plus you have the option of reporting their harrassment to the OFT(Office of Fair Trading), and trading standards. Plus as their constant demands for payment are not lawful, and it is causing you alarm and distress, there would be a case under the protection from harrassment act 1997.

Big Al
Murphy Posted - 25 September 2010 : 12:35:05
Hi to both guys,

Thank you for your advice and taking the time to respond. I have calmed down now, I think it's a gut reaction from the past, whenever the phone goes - many thanks again!
Housing Posted - 25 September 2010 : 11:48:49

Paul is right - the unsecured debts are all captured in your BR. A creditor cannot do anything.

You may just say that you would rather that they did not phone any more and refer them to your OR

Good luck, Richard

"There are no problems - only solutions"
Reviva UK Posted - 24 September 2010 : 22:30:55
You need to relax and take control of the situation. There is absolutely nothing the other creditor can do other than phone .

Just make sure you have written to them and pass all other communications to the OR to deal with.

Good luck

Paul Johns
Bankruptcy Specialists
Reviva UK
08454 751 851

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