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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mike62 Posted - 25 September 2010 : 13:45:26
Hello all,

We recieved our income/expenditure papaerwork today, in the pack was a form for detailing any other assets we might need to declare. we have a couple of things that we originally didn't put down, such as a Camera and a 2 year old PC (which were in the loft and forgotten about) and we want to declare these.

Do our creditors get a copy of our personal belongings/assets that we declare on all these forms?, I know that they have had information about our investment property, but I feel a bit uncomfortable about people "re-veiwing" our life, if that makes sense?.

Do our creditors get a breakdown of individual items/assets we have, or does the Trustee just sell and distribute monies after sale?

Thanks all, Mike.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gettingoutofdebt Posted - 26 September 2010 : 11:08:59
Unless the camera/PC are currently worth more than £500 the OR won't be interested in them so there isn't really any point declaring them as assets.

Any assets that the OR claims would be sold and the monies distributed on a pro-rata basis to the creditors.

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