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T O P I C    R E V I E W
carl Posted - 26 September 2010 : 11:40:28
Hello all

When I declared BR I sent a copy of my BR notice to each of my creditors by recorded delivery two days after court and I have confirmed that each of my creditors received the notice a day later by Royal Mail track and trace.

Two of my creditors (Littlewoods Cataloge and Post Office Credit card)keep issuing me with default notices and charging me an extra £12.00 per month due to non payment of the minimum monthly payment.

Now each creditor has definately recieved my BR notification and each of them have confirmed that the OR has already been in touch with them.

Is is normal practice to continue issuing default notices and charging the accounts £12.00 per month until the BR is finalised or should I be doing something to stop this?

Thank you in advance

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gettingoutofdebt Posted - 26 September 2010 : 14:37:57
There is nothing to worry about and nothing you can do to stop the notices. Chances are that these are just automated letters/charges that you will carry on receiving until the OR contacts the creditors directly.

I declared BR 18 months ago and every 4 months or so I still receive a statement with a default notice for a loan I had with Abbey. I just ignore them and put them straight in the shredder.

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