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 How do you declare yourself bankrupt?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
David.dh Posted - 27 April 2012 : 20:02:01
How do you declare yourself bankrupt? How long does it last and what are the repercussions?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Viki.W Posted - 28 April 2012 : 08:07:17
Hi David,

Call an expert on here and chat everything through. There may be other options, but if it is bankruptcy then we can explain the process and answer any questions.

Please post any questions you have on the forum too.

Viki Warbrooke
Vincent Bond & Co
If you would like free advice on all options available and help with your bankruptcy petition please contact me at http://www.vincentbond.com/about_us_Viki_Warbrooke.asp
Niobe Posted - 27 April 2012 : 21:39:01
Hi and welcome.

You will need to be insolvent (you cannot service your debts) and it will cost you £700 at court unles you are in receipt of certain benefits in which case you may get a reducttion.

Bankruptcy itself usually lasts no longer than twelve months. It will remain on your record for six years in total.

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