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 Once a BR always a BR?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
b_n Posted - 31 August 2008 : 22:32:59
Hi Everyone ...

About all the restrictions that come with BR, i.e. restrictions on employment, applying for credit, becoming a director of a company, holding public office, etc. How long do they remain in force?

Am I right in assuming that they only remain in force whilst you are a BR and are automatically removed after you've been discharged?

So for example, lawyers who are discharged BRs can practising again and discharged politicians can run for office again?

In other words is it possible to, at some point, rid yourself of the BR stigma? Or is it a case of once a bankrupt always a bankrupt?

Thanks ...
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Needafriend Posted - 01 September 2008 : 21:16:57
Hi as far as im aware it is wiped as such after the 6 years, you may have to write to some of the companies or even the credit report places to update your info and make sure that the debts have been updated.
Thanks and

Keep Smiling
Jo :)

"There is light at the end of the tunnel, if you cant find it get a brighter torch"
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b_n Posted - 01 September 2008 : 19:37:29
Thanks All ...

So am I right in saying that my credit rating may still remain in tatters beyond the 6 years?

I thought it was wiped clean after 6 years ...
Needafriend Posted - 01 September 2008 : 08:15:58

There is no real stigma around BR now, it has become almost a way of life.
Its not until you think about doing it or do it that suddenly others that you knew nothing about happen to mention to you that they either did it or know people who did.
It is the best thing that a person can do when there truely is no way out and dont be ashamed, you are doing something about your debts their are many more that are struggling and dont know which way to turn.
Keep smiling


"There is light at the end of the tunnel, if you cant find it get a brighter torch"
You can read my blog here:
synaesthesia Posted - 01 September 2008 : 08:10:43
The difficulties in obtaining credit etc also cease after 6 years as far as I can remember, however this takes a little work - not everyone will remove that but you can apply to someone (not sure if it's your old creditors or Experian/whoever holds your credit file).
John Posted - 31 August 2008 : 23:33:50

the restrictions of bankruptcy cease in legal terms either on the day of discharge or if you have a BRU/BRO the day that expires.

Your ability to get credit, whilst then legal, would still not be easy to obtain from the banks etc.

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