T O P I C R E V I E W |
Help007 |
Posted - 17 October 2008 : 10:30:41 What have you done in terms of speaking to creditors and what have you told them?
Until now I have ignored their calls, I put in writing to all of them my situation and offered £5 a month but none have bothered replying. I am now thinking just taking their calls but would like a clear idea of what to say? |
6 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
tracy_b |
Posted - 18 October 2008 : 15:38:36 Hi,
I had a real problem with Goldfish. they kept phoning 3 times a day even after i had told them i was BR. The last time i practically shouted Section 40 as in Julians post and suprise suprise no more phone calls.
Good luck Tracy XX |
JulianDonnelly |
Posted - 18 October 2008 : 13:57:22 Hi all,
Remember creditors are allowed to do anything that is reasonable to recover their debt. However, when this crosses over to harrassment, that is a criminal offence under Section 40 of the Administration of Justice Act.
Julian Donnelly Spokesperson for www.Bankruptcyhelp.org.uk Don't forget the helpline on 0800 078 9367 |
bang up |
Posted - 18 October 2008 : 09:56:41 the worst company i came across for this kind of crap behaviour was HSBC.
it was phone call after phone call from about 8am with 9.45pm being the latest call i got. despite numerous explanations about the situation from me this continued for weeks after my bankruptcy and in the end i contacted the financial ombudsman's office. they seemed genuinely shocked when i told them and were very supportive. shortly afterwards the (sometimes nasty) phone calls stopped and i got a letter from HSBC apologising for their (unprofessional) behaviour.
but i suspect it won't deter HSBC from pulling the same low tactic elsewhere.
best wishes |
huntersrishon |
Posted - 17 October 2008 : 21:24:54 Hi
We have ignored the calls so far. We started to fall behind beginning of September and missed the mortgage 1st October. We are going BR next Thursday. I suppose it depends on how you feel. I just cannot bear the thought of talking to them all. I think anyone who answers the phone is brave.
Dee  |
Posted - 17 October 2008 : 12:33:38 Hi Help,
My husband took most of the calls in the "early" days as we originally were taking advice from the CCCS. Some were very persistent (Golfish!) and would call numerous times a day. In the end, we unplugged the phone and told family to call on mobiles etc. About a month before going BR we advised them of our intentions and some held off but some still called. it seems that they don't pass information from department to department unfortunately but as soon as you tell them they are normally OK and end the call.
Hope this helps.
Jayne |
eamonn |
Posted - 17 October 2008 : 10:45:02 hi help007 i told my creditors about 10 weeks before i went br most said ok and i just got a follow up once amonth but some were very persistant and i got frequent calls from them and each time i told them i going br in the near future (as soon as i had saved the fees)when one of the creditors got a bit to persistant for my liking i just asked them to make me bankrupt (which costs them aprox £2000) which i knew they would not do but as i say most just followed uponce a month so drastically reduced the hassle factor but i know some people on this site would rather not say anything incase the creditor decided to do something like try to take them to court quickly but if you are going br within aprox 6 weeks they would have trouble getting through the courts. i hope this helps a bit |