T O P I C R E V I E W |
trish37 |
Posted - 21 October 2008 : 17:45:54 Hi All,
Been ignoring calls since last month and today received a Default Notice from A&L. I am not going BR until early Jan should I be worried? How long before they do anything more serious? This is the first (of many I am sure) I have received.
Thanks |
6 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Needafriend |
Posted - 23 October 2008 : 18:15:14 Your welcome, good luck and all that :-)
Take Care
Jo x
Please visit my blog for info on how I got here and other information to guide you through from my experience called:
"Needafriends Links and added info on Bankruptcy!" available to view at:
http://debtfreejo.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/ |
trish37 |
Posted - 23 October 2008 : 18:06:06 Many thanks to Jo and Matt on above fingers crossed xxxx |
Needafriend |
Posted - 21 October 2008 : 20:16:19 Hi Trish
A default notice has to be issued prior to any other comencement of debt collection.
They have to follow the book and send out these letters then warn you of solictors, court etc etc.
You may have about 2-3 months from now ish but when you know a date tell them your going BR, also you could try offering a £1 that will buy sometime as you will write to them, then wait for replies, in the meantime you can tell them your waiting to hear back about your offer.
Best of luck
Take Care
Jo x
Please visit my blog for info on how I got here and other information to guide you through from my experience called:
"Needafriends Links and added info on Bankruptcy!" available to view at:
http://debtfreejo.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/ |
sleeplessnights |
Posted - 21 October 2008 : 20:13:05 Hi Trish,
I think it was in month 2 when the notice of default came though then Shoosmiths sent a letter after that for me to call them. I did and they initially gave me until the end of the month to find the £18K we owed them. We had already decided to go BR and needed the extra time. When the deadline came at the end of the month I called 'Crystal' at Shoosmiths and asked how long it would take before this could goto court etc etc.
trish37 |
Posted - 21 October 2008 : 18:44:45 Thanks Matt, When you got notice of default how long after did you get letter from Shoosmiths? I have missed 2 payments so far so trying to see how much time I have.
Thanks, Trish |
sleeplessnights |
Posted - 21 October 2008 : 18:30:48 Hi trish, We went BR on the 6th Oct 2008.
We defaulted on a loan with A&L and things didnt start getting 'hairy' until the letter from A&L's solicitor 'Shoosmiths' came through probably 3 months after not paying!
Luckily this was 14 days before we went bankrupt and to be fair, I spoke with the lady 'Crystal' and said how long does it take before this could goto court. She told me about 6 - 10 weeks. I told her there and then of our intentions to go BR in 14 days and advised her to save 'Shoosmiths' a lot of time, money & effort. She said she would mark the account and pass it back to A&L.
Now, after going BR on the 6th Oct. it was only last week (17th) that 'Shoosmiths' sent me a court summons. (A lot less than the 6 - 10 wks).
I immediately called 'Crystal', referred her to our original conversation and ensured she advised her colleague Graham that we were BR and this time we gave her the BR Ref Number.
I've not heard anything since and dont expect to.
Hope this helps. Matt