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 Just spotted this site. have just done the BR

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dawnh444 Posted - 12 February 2009 : 21:19:35
Just spotted this site. have just done the BR today with Reviva {Ken} So helpful and reasuring. Especially for someone as nervous as me. I was so lost in the maze and did not know which way to turn. Thank you Reviva.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ginger Posted - 22 February 2009 : 22:43:41
Hi Sorry did not reply earlier did not realise any one had left messages still getting used to forum thank you all for your comments and support x
MrandMrs Posted - 13 February 2009 : 11:31:39
Hubby went BR this week and he also used Reviva. Both Ken and Paul were involved and Ken was there at the court and will be there for the OR interview. From my point of view, as the wife of someone who had to go BR, having them at the end of the phone to help with my questions as well as his has been invaluable.

working towards the first day of the rest of our lives
GUSS Posted - 13 February 2009 : 09:16:22
hi ginger
we both went B/R last month we also had paul at
reviva who has been great.We did not want all the
stress on top of my illness everyone is different
he's always at the end of the phone.also there's
lots of help on the forum

best of luck guss
Melanie.n Posted - 13 February 2009 : 08:00:50
Hi Ginger

The forms and process are designed for people to file their own bankruptcy - some people prefer to use companies to help - this i totally agree with if it is a more complex bankruptcy scenario or someone has been trading, but for a basic 'household debt' case it is easy to do the process yourself - we are always here to help with any queries

Melanie Nicholas
28 years insolvency experience - 23 of which in the Insolvency Service
- Insolvency Manager
Jones Giles
ginger Posted - 13 February 2009 : 01:26:05
Hi it looks like I will have to go bankrupt shortly when you said you had the done br with reviva what do you mean did you pay someone to advise you? sorry new to site and my situation is so complicated just wondered if its best to get help rather than trying to do this on my own. well done anyway least having done it must be better than dreading it good luck
John Posted - 12 February 2009 : 23:40:38
Hi Dawn and welcome to the forum.

Pleased that all went well for you today

timendi causa est nescire

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