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 Cleaning credit files

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bill88 Posted - 18 February 2009 : 14:46:49

Does anyone know about cleaning there credit reports?
Apparently this helps with future credit, i.e mortgages etc?

I think theres 3 credit agencies, expierian and another 2?
Is this quite involved as to clean up your credit, im thinking i might do this with the CAB?

someone said wait 3months after discharge before attempting to clear up your credit report?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sueann Posted - 23 February 2009 : 16:47:39
So far I have found that everywhere that has the visa sign has accepted the electron, I have not had it refused yet. Great account and the staff are all really friendly and understanding with straight forward online banking. Perfect little account. Not missed having a full bank account at all but I also have a Virgin pre-paid mastercard in reserve.
pix1 Posted - 21 February 2009 : 18:15:25
It is worth getting on with clearing up your credit files asap. There is Experian, Equifax and Call Credit.

Get hold of your credit reports and then go through them to make sure all your creditors mark your accounts as 'satisfied' There is quite a lot to it because creditors will drag their feet or they will update one agency and not the other. Also, you need to ensure that the court information puts down that the bankruptcy is discharged when it gets discharged. A copy of your early discharge letter sohuld be ok to send to each agency so they update it. If you have any CCJ's you need to make sure these are marked as satisfied, too.
Skippy Posted - 19 February 2009 : 10:36:26
I've used mine online quite a lot. Admittedly some companies won't accept it online (M & S and Tesco), but I've ordered quite a bit online using my Electron. If a website doesn't have the Electron symbol you can often still use it by selecting the Visa option.

Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.

View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/

20 IPA payments made, 16 to go - on the home straight!
bill88 Posted - 19 February 2009 : 10:23:38
so u can use it online also?

the reviews i read might of been old reviews then, i just had a look lastnight and alot of people were saying that no where accepts electron, well very very limited
Skippy Posted - 19 February 2009 : 10:20:54
I never had that problem, I found that Electron is accepted nearly everywhere. I still use the account for my housekeeping and the card has never been refused in any shop.

The only places that I had a problem with are pay at the pump petrol stations, M & S website and Tesco online. I've also used it in places where is doesn't say Electron is accepted.

Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.

View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/

20 IPA payments made, 16 to go - on the home straight!
bill88 Posted - 19 February 2009 : 10:07:27
i looked on the web lastnight about the cashminder account with Co-op and expecially the electron debit card, the reviews were very very bad!

most places dont except electron, so i think it wud still basically like a cash card, im desperate for a chip and pin!
jurgenpie Posted - 18 February 2009 : 20:12:18
The Co-Op was one of my creditors but it didn't affect me having a cashminder account with debit card (electron) and internet banking.

Skippy Posted - 18 February 2009 : 16:28:41
I'm with Nationwide now, but only because I had a full account with them from before my BR. They weren't one of my creditors and the OR didn't have any interest so I asked if they would send me a card which they did.

I was more than happy with the Co-op though, and if Nationwide hadn't allowed me to use the account it wouldn't have bothered me.

Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.

View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/

20 IPA payments made, 16 to go - on the home straight!
bill88 Posted - 18 February 2009 : 16:15:06
is that wat u use now
Skippy Posted - 18 February 2009 : 15:53:33
I didn't have too many problems with Electron

Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.

View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/

20 IPA payments made, 16 to go - on the home straight!
bill88 Posted - 18 February 2009 : 15:45:46
i just tried barclays

they wont let me because im BR!

I think the Co-Op sounds good though i just had a look at it and the cashminder account sounds good,
It says it allows you to use chip and pin, its a visa electron.

Is electron very limited or do most places support electron now?
Skippy Posted - 18 February 2009 : 15:40:46

You can't open the Cashminder online, but it can be done on the phone. There is no monthly charge for the account and you can withdraw or pay in money at the Post Office as well as in a branch. The customer service is excellent as well, and when I had the account I didn't feel I needed a branch.

Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.

View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/

20 IPA payments made, 16 to go - on the home straight!
Niobe Posted - 18 February 2009 : 15:39:58
With the Co-op you have to apply either by phone or in a branch.

HSBC and First Direct won't touch anyone who is insolvent. Barclays I am not sure about. I have an IVA and they are a creditor but I still have the account open (no money in there though).

The glimmer gets brighter all the time

bill88 Posted - 18 February 2009 : 15:30:40
to be honest skippy i havent heard anything from any of my creditors since i filed, last april (07)
apart from virgin
Virgin were a pain in the neck!! the things they did to me! but they dont bother me anymore,

im just waiting to be discharged at the end of march 08

Co-op wasnt one of my creditors
have you got there website??

do you have to pay a monthly charge?

I did a couple of months back (whilst i was going through my stolen money with Abbey) try opening a HSBC account but i rang them and explained my situation and they said they wouldnt allow me to have an account.
Maybe if i try barclays? go in there and wait for them to ask me if ive ever been made BR without me telling them?
would be so much easier having a chip and pin.

I know BR hasve there downsides but im SO SO much better off now than i was.
I would never of been able to pay my debt bk, and although i felt guilty at the time (About not paying it all back) i think now im paying for it, i guess we all are but its a great weight lifted of our shoulders!
Niobe Posted - 18 February 2009 : 15:17:42
You could always try a prepaid card as well for purchases, they are usually chip and pin.

Be careful though as some carry a hefty monthly charge.

The glimmer gets brighter all the time


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