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 Hi - apols in advance for lengthy text/problem

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gttobs Posted - 20 February 2009 : 19:19:43
Hi - apols in advance for lengthy text/problem

declared BR in June 05 and discharged Nov 05. Got recent copies of credit report from both EXP and EQU then sent copy of BR discharge so my records could be updated. Been with Barclays bank since 05 - no problems with accounts - have cashcard, savings account and ISA. want to upgrade to a debit card account. all my 'main' defaulted accounts will be discharged by sept (6yrs is up) but noticed i have default for £40 british gas account march 2005. i have contacted them as i am sure my utility bills were accounted for and paid up. they found no record of payment and subsequently passed account onto debt collection. i have requested bank statements from previous bank to verify records and awaiting results. an experian adviser advised me to write to barclays requesting an upgrade, enclosing my credit report. will this £40 default stop me from gaining credit even though the larger defaulted debts have been discharged? can i contest this even if i can't retrieve evidence to say i paid bill?
will been BR stop me from countries abroad? hope this makes sense and you can offer help. many thanks
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gttobs Posted - 24 February 2009 : 17:41:19
[quote]Originally posted by John


I would imagine this to all be very frustrating for you. The cost of historic statements, postage etc and the time delay and confusion that will no doubt ensue, I would consider contacting the collection agency and paying the bill, firstly insisting that the agency confirm in writing that the debt will be marked as satisfied on your credit report on receipt of payment.

It might just be the simplest way forward.

And BR does not restrict your travel plans.

timendi causa est nescire

John - many thanks for post and info - apols for late reply. i will follow this up. fingers crossed
John Posted - 20 February 2009 : 22:36:35

I would imagine this to all be very frustrating for you. The cost of historic statements, postage etc and the time delay and confusion that will no doubt ensue, I would consider contacting the collection agency and paying the bill, firstly insisting that the agency confirm in writing that the debt will be marked as satisfied on your credit report on receipt of payment.

It might just be the simplest way forward.

And BR does not restrict your travel plans.

timendi causa est nescire

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