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 feel that the iva is not viable now

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
amanda15 Posted - 22 February 2009 : 08:30:15
hi again, following on from my explanation of our circumstances, so majority of the money i would pay for the five years on the iva the company would take for their charges. i do feel that the iva is not viable now due to this £800 per month they expect from my partner business. so br seems my only choice left, as i need a end to this situation as the stress is unbearable. i wondered if the OR would class my son DLA money and child benefit as part of our income ? thanks again.
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Reviva UK Posted - 23 February 2009 : 00:55:38

some banks are fine with Br provided that it is the basic account.

currently Barclays and the COOP are doing well. The COOP is my favourite and has many positive reviews on the site.

Also the OR will realise that the dla is for your son - room on the forms for this - and therefore not class it as income for you personally

Paul Johns
Assisted Bankruptcy Specialists
Reviva UK

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amanda15 Posted - 22 February 2009 : 23:28:17
hi this is amanda again, thanks for your reply , i just wondered you said that my son dla money would not be classed as income in a ipa agreement as it was for my son and not my self. is this still the case if the dla is paided to me as my son is under sixteen ? also i have just opened a new bank account a very basic debit card account. will i still be able to use this account for my benefits to be paided into and for direct debits for my house hold bills ?
thanks , Amanda.

John Posted - 22 February 2009 : 11:39:10
Hi amanda

your son's DLA and the CB are not considered income for the purposes of calculating whether or not you should be paying towards an IPA agreement.

Nevertheless you do still have to list these benefits on the Statement of Affairs in the appropriate section (6). If you also receive carer's allowance that will be viewed as income as it is a payment to you, not your son.

Also, you should be aware that in Bankruptcy you would only be required to make monthly payments towards an IPA if you yourself have sufficient disposable income. Income from your partner's business is safe as long as your forms are completed correctly.

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