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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jwmc77 Posted - 22 February 2009 : 22:25:23
hi guys, we'll be biting the bullet next week so just trying to get the expences sorted...any additions to the list would be welcomed, this is fpr 2 adults and 3 children (8, 6, 8 months).
rent 550
gas/electric 140
petrol 80
car tax 10
car insurance 22
house insurance 15
life insurance 51
housekeeping 580
clothing 155
hair 30
dentists 12
prescriptions 10
phone 50
domestic break 80
council tax 72
ballet lessons 15
swimming lessons 27
mobile phone 20

this is out of an income of around £1900 p/m, £400 of which is tax credits which my wife gets....
also, my wife starts her college course soon which is costing around £700, would we be allowed to include this in our i+e?
and lastly, i red a post on here and a guy was saying that he put his morgage payment on the i+e even though he wasnt paying it, instead of putting his rent which was considerably cheaper...is this possible?

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
givemestrength Posted - 23 February 2009 : 07:28:34
hi, dont forget water rates, school and work meals or are they in with housekeeping?
jwmc77 Posted - 22 February 2009 : 22:26:35
sorry...life insurance is £15 not £51.


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