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 can anyone give us some advice regarding br

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
perry.l Posted - 23 February 2009 : 12:06:17
can anyone give us some advice regarding bankruptcy - or point us in the right direction

my partner and i have a joint mortgage 119k plus secured loan of 3k but property only valued at 110k mid last year - so would think its alot less now!
I have 22k worth of unsecured debt and my partner around 13k.
we are currently in a debt management programme but i have recently received 2 bills through totalling nearly 10k from my wholesalers from when i was self employed (i am still self employed but now only work for 1 company and my pay is considerably less than before)
my partner is unable to go bankrupt as she is training to be an accountant, i really cannot afford to pay any more money to the dmp to incorpoate these two new debts. i am thinking bankruptcy is the best option for me.
we both have a joint unsecured loan too - what would happen to this?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Niobe Posted - 23 February 2009 : 12:19:44
If you go bankrupt and you have a joint loan, your partner will then be chased for the whole of the loan as you are jointly and severally liable for it.

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