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 I was completely honest with the OR at our meeting

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
leahk Posted - 23 February 2009 : 12:09:28
I was completely honest with the OR at our meeting last week but I still feel like I'm waiting for something? I signed the various forms she gave me, gave her my cheque books,credit cards etc. She didn't ask for any statements (which confused me) and said my car was exempt. I asked about my cashminder (co-op) account, was told that was fine and to carry on using it.
Will I get written confirmation? I feel like I'm in a whole new limbo, I have too much time to think and don't know what I'm supposed to do! Please Help!!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Melanie.n Posted - 23 February 2009 : 15:33:34
well for once Wales is better weather wise, that makes a change! all I can see is beautiful, clear blue sky, and no wind either which made my lunchtime walk with the dogs more pleasureable than usual.

Have you calmed down a bit now leah? you have my email if you need it Mel

Melanie Nicholas
28 years insolvency experience - 23 of which in the Insolvency Service
- Insolvency Manager
Jones Giles
Skippy Posted - 23 February 2009 : 14:41:23
None in Middlesex either!

Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.

View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/

20 IPA payments made, 16 to go - on the home straight!
leahk Posted - 23 February 2009 : 14:27:57
Thank you- Becoming bankrupt was necessary, not an easy decision but still I feel guilty.
Essex is not as nice as Wales - no sunshine here!
Melanie.n Posted - 23 February 2009 : 12:39:51
Hi Leah, you are really worrying unnecessarily,try to relax and move forward, you really have no worries, if there was anything untoward nor only would they have pointed this out at the time, we would have warned you of any potential ddifulties, but there wasn't any. Have a cup of coffe and if the weather is as nice with you as it is here in Wales this morning, enjoy the sunshine! Melanie

Melanie Nicholas
28 years insolvency experience - 23 of which in the Insolvency Service
- Insolvency Manager
Jones Giles
Skippy Posted - 23 February 2009 : 12:20:58
I know how you feel! I received written confirmation that my car was exempt, but nothing more. The only other time I heard from the OR was when I moved house and I had to send an updated I & E, or if I contacted them with a query.

Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.

View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/

20 IPA payments made, 16 to go - on the home straight!

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