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 iam on the verge of going bankrupt

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
trudy.m Posted - 23 February 2009 : 14:19:55
iam on the verge of going bankrupt iam self employed driving instructor will i still keep my job
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Melanie.n Posted - 23 February 2009 : 15:17:34
Before taking any steps on bankruptcy as self employed driving instructor answer this question first - are you a franchise holder? if so it is imperitive you read your franchise agreement as every agreement I have read (for many clients in a similar position who have approached me for help) there is always a clause prohibiting bankruptcy, therefore it is not a step you should consider without first accepting the fact you will lose your job and ability to earn an income.

If you are not a franchise holder, you should not have any difficulty, but please check before making any decison. You must also check any HP or lease agreement you may hold on your vehicle

Melanie Nicholas
28 years insolvency experience - 23 of which in the Insolvency Service
- Insolvency Manager
Jones Giles
John Posted - 23 February 2009 : 14:51:28
Hi trudy

yes you will.
Vehicles are often at risk when declaring bankruptcy but in your case it is a necessary tool of your trade so you should be fine.

timendi causa est nescire

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