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 screening your calls with iblacklist

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Robin55 Posted - 24 February 2009 : 14:13:03
For anyone with an iphone..

I was lucky enough to inherit my partners iphone and I have found a nifty application on there called iblacklist that I think you should all know about.

You can basically screen your calls down to the last detail. I have asked it to reject calls from all of my creditors plus blocked numbers and it works a treat! (you can still check the history to see who its rejected if you need to).

Highly recommend it to anyone that finds being badgered as stressful as I do!

I think after a while they even catch on and stop calling your mobile!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Niobe Posted - 24 February 2009 : 16:24:05
The news probably hasn't filtered down to the call centres yet.

They're not going to benefit at all now, I'd answer them and just give them your BR details and see if that stops them.

It's not as though you will be paying them anything!

The glimmer gets brighter all the time

Robin55 Posted - 24 February 2009 : 16:20:54
Yes most of my problems have been with the Halifax so that explains it. I've had 8 calls and 3 texts from them today!

I just wondered if they step it up a notch because they know I have just gone BR and want to catch me out somehow? how else could they possibly benefit?.....

Niobe Posted - 24 February 2009 : 14:22:29
The only thing that I found with the call barring was that although it comes up on the phone with the same number, when you go to barr it, it's normally a geographic number (as opposed to 0845 etc), and they (especially Halifax) used to use a different number once they realised we had barred the other one.

The glimmer gets brighter all the time

Lizzie Posted - 24 February 2009 : 14:20:00
We have the same facility on our home phone, it shows who is calling and if we want to blocked them then we can and we still monitor how often they call etc, etc.
Melanie.n Posted - 24 February 2009 : 14:14:42
Most mobiles have a call barring facility which does the same thing - if you get a call immeadiately go into the 'doings' of the phone and block that and similar numbers. It does work!

Melanie Nicholas
28 years insolvency experience - 23 of which in the Insolvency Service
- Insolvency Manager
Jones Giles

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