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 To declare or not to declare Co-Op account on SOA.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
alisone Posted - 25 March 2009 : 18:58:58
To declare or not to declare Co-Op account on SOA. Just to say that I DID declare my Cashminder account on my SOA. (Court case was Monday). I did this partly because I sold my shares to fund my bankruptcy and didn't want to look as if I was concealing the money and partly because I'm a cowardy custard. Anyway it was with some trepidation that I used my Electron card at Tesco today but there was no problem. If, like I did, you feel it would be better in your circs to declare it, I think it is OK. The Co-Op certainly led me to believe that. If I suddenly find myself frozen, I'll update you all!!!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
paulsc Posted - 26 March 2009 : 09:26:13
Insolenvcy agency sent reply to email they dont give advice and gave me national debt line phone numbers as if i wouldnt have that

Reviva UK Posted - 25 March 2009 : 23:39:15

you do not have a choice - remember that you need to swear that the information is correct so you have a duty to declare.

If they found out later that you were hiding anything they would definately be all over you light a rash.

being open and working with the OR is the absolute best plan.

Paul Johns
Assisted Bankruptcy Specialists
Reviva UK

Real People ..... Real Debt Solutions
paulsc Posted - 25 March 2009 : 19:03:04
I email local insolvecy office to verify the situation with co op account as i am in same delema will let you know reply if i get one

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