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 BR "Stay of Advertisment"

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mr.E.Guest Posted - 26 March 2009 : 11:30:25
Hi All

Just read a post between Cherry & Maizie on the Forum, as not to hijack it I thought I'd post separateley.

A Stay of Advertisment (that Maizie mentions) - what is it and how/ wher can you apply for it?

This is the one point of BR that is driving my wife to dispair...



What doesn't kill you makes you stronger (I hope ;-)
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mr.E.Guest Posted - 26 March 2009 : 11:38:07
Hi Maizie

Thanks for the super fast and informative reply.

There is nothing that serious to keep us out of print.



What doesn't kill you makes you stronger (I hope ;-)
maizie Posted - 26 March 2009 : 11:35:38
A stay of advertisement is where they withhold all or part of your details in the local papers, gazette and insolvency website.

In order to get the stay of advertisement you have to apply for it at the time of your bankruptcy i.e. when you are at court, you will probably see the judge. I think it cost £30 (it did when I went bankrupt).

You will need an extremely good reason why your details would be withheld i.e. your life would be at risk if details were shown etc. I had a very serious and good reason yet they still printed my name but did put details withheld by the courts. You will also need to provide supporting evidence i.e. police statements etc. etc.

Hope this helps.


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