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 i am disabled have no choice but to go bankrupt

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
confxddsg Posted - 26 March 2009 : 16:07:25
i am disabled and have no choice but to go bankrupt, is there anywhere i can get help with the costs of going bankrupt? i have no money and over £90,000 of dept i need to go bankrupt but cant pay the fees. is there any help i can get,
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pixiepet Posted - 26 March 2009 : 17:40:58
hi, i am severely disabled, and went BR in jan. i am on income support and got a loan from them for the BR they now take a little out my IS each week.
well worth it

Melanie.n Posted - 26 March 2009 : 16:11:08
I would suggest that you contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau - if you are in receipt of utilities such as water, electric gas etc there are schems in place via the CAB where you can get a voucher to fund the costs of your bankruptcy. You will have to make an appointment with the Money Advisor at the CAB and ask them about this service (it is not advertised) The court fee, currently £150 is often not applicable if you are in receipt of certain benefits.

Melanie Nicholas
28 years insolvency experience - 23 of which in the Insolvency Service
- Insolvency Manager
Jones Giles
paulsc Posted - 26 March 2009 : 16:10:52
ssafa can help if your ex forces

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