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 What next re buying BI?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Christine123 Posted - 31 July 2009 : 12:43:27
What next re buying BI? A quick recap. I sent £1 plus £473 as sole owner to buy back my BI. I was asked to send the name etc of my own solicitor to send the transfer documents to. I had problems finding one who knew what to do and the one who was very understanding and knew exactly what to do was going to cost min £800! Forum experts advised that if I asked TLT for the documents to be sent to me I could deal with it myself. I asked TLT and they sent the TR1 transfer for me to sign and return which I did straight away. I need help with the next step as a letter I have received from TLT this-morning says :-
We confirm that we are now in possession of the transfer deed duly signed by the Official Receiver. Please confirm to us once you are in a position to complete, whereupon we will date the Transfer deed and return it to you for registration.
I understand by this that they will send me the transfer deeds with which I can then sort out removing the Land Registry restrictions. Do I just contact them and confirm that I am ready to complete to get the Transfer deed or is there something else they will require? Also once I have received the deeds signed by the Official Receiver can I deal with the Land Reg. restrictions in my own time. In other words will my house be safe from the OR now? Thanks for any help.
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Reviva UK Posted - 05 September 2009 : 08:57:21
There is no requirement to use a solicitor to represent you when buying the BI back. This only increases costs, and not many know the process.

the usual reason to use a solicitor is to protect your interests and make sure the seller isn't getting one over on you.

With this in mind it is your house, you are not worried about a hidden coal mine, you know what the neoghbours are like and there are no hidden suprises - you have tried before you buy!.

Stick with the OR's solicitor and they will do the difficult legal bits.

Paul Johns
Bankruptcy Specialists
Reviva UK

Real People ..... Real Debt Solutions
Housing Posted - 05 September 2009 : 08:27:48


A personal question, did you pay back the deposots to the tenants?

Reason I ask, I had an estate agency and did not have the deposits at the time of BR. Just interested if your situation was similar.

Thanks and regards to you Richard
Originally posted by swbankruptcy

Christine - I don't know where you live but David Hendey of Lindley Johnstone Solicitors in Clevedon - **phone number removed** is dealing with our BI Transfer to my wife and understands the process

**Please don't post phone numbers on the forum - we do get spammers on here and people could be inundated with calls! Thanks**

"There are no problems - only solutions..."
Dec Bankrupt Posted - 05 September 2009 : 05:43:50
Hi Christine

Did you manage to complete filling in your form?
My sister is paying for my BI to be transferred back into my name, I'm not sole owner - never knew this could be done!!
So I now am very keen to understand the next step in the process and whether a solicitor is neccesary - not that i can afford one!
So anything you can throw my way about your experience would be really appreciated.

Skippy Posted - 14 August 2009 : 14:25:56
No worries! It's the same with email addresses - we just don't want people being inundated with dodgy emails and phone calls!

Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.

View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/

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swbankruptcy Posted - 14 August 2009 : 14:09:18
First up - apologies for the phone number, still learning the ropes.

Although the circumstances are different David understands what is involved with transfers & BI so I was just providing Christine with details of a solicitor who has experience of this
RHB Posted - 14 August 2009 : 09:19:46
It's a different situation Swan, Christine is the sole owner.
swbankruptcy Posted - 13 August 2009 : 19:20:54
Christine - I don't know where you live but David Hendey of Lindley Johnstone Solicitors in Clevedon - **phone number removed** is dealing with our BI Transfer to my wife and understands the process

**Please don't post phone numbers on the forum - we do get spammers on here and people could be inundated with calls! Thanks**
bad_manners_2002 Posted - 13 August 2009 : 13:16:06
Christine - did you get any feedback re yr questions. have you received the transfer deeds and dealt with the land registry ?

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