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 Early Discharge

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
paulsc Posted - 25 August 2009 : 16:35:57
Whats the earliest you came become discharged please

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gettingoutofdebt Posted - 07 September 2009 : 16:47:35
The Technical Manual mentions:

30.116 Redundancy payments

The right to receive a redundancy payment existing at the date of the bankruptcy order does not vest in the official receiver as trustee as it is personal to the bankrupt. A redundancy payment should not be treated as income but may be claimed as after acquired property when the monies change character, if paid before discharge (see paragraph 30.111). The trustee must make a claim to after acquired property within 42 days of becoming aware of that property [note 12, 13]. The official receiver must be satisfied that the amount claimed as after acquired property does not include any amount payable in respect of wages which should be regarded as income and be taken into consideration in respect of any IPA/IPO.

This means that during discharge as redundancy would be treated as a windfall so could be claimed by the OR.

There is nothing mentioned about redundancy after discharge so presumably this is treated as a windfall as well, which would mean that it is yours to keep.

m88 Posted - 07 September 2009 : 15:31:18
if after my discharge ,my IPA is still in force and i recieve some redundancy money can this be touched by OR-cheers

debtinfo Posted - 01 September 2009 : 19:29:14
ED is not based upon getting an IPA or not, it goes on 3 factors

1)If the OR has finished with case

2)Conduct prior to bankruptcy

3)cooperation during bankruptcy
m88 Posted - 01 September 2009 : 19:01:45
if no IPA is it likely you,ll get early discharge or are there other factures

Sparkle83 Posted - 30 August 2009 : 18:36:16
Thats what I had- the edrev covering letter and a new IPO questionaire. Just send it back asap, my OR reckoned if ED was going to happen it'd be about 6-8 weeks after they receive it

Weeks of BR

(EDREV received and returned at exactly 24 weeks)25

Niobe Posted - 30 August 2009 : 10:04:35
Nice to see you again 2stressed.

I hope everything is going ok and that you do get your early discharge.

The glimmer gets brighter all the time

2stressed Posted - 28 August 2009 : 22:46:53
I went B/R in March and have had no contact with OR at all. Had letter today just asking me to fill in income and expenditure within 14 days and they will consider putting me forward for early discharge.
The letter had EDREV in corner but wasn't an actual form.
It does seem hopeful but really trying not to get hopes up- im not working either and theres no IPA in place so fingers crossed
hadenuff Posted - 28 August 2009 : 11:24:02
That's the strange thing, I am not working either which they were fully aware of yet still sent the EDREV form and spoke to me about it when they got it back.

Oh well only another 5 weeks to AD so I suppose I might as well stop whining about it :-)
Jane.l Posted - 28 August 2009 : 08:06:25
I never received EDREV form as I was not working, I also checked the register every day (another saddo) and one day I saw that I had been discharged early, I received a letter informing me a couple of days later I think it was 6 months into bankruptcy
hadenuff Posted - 27 August 2009 : 19:16:50
Check it daily (sad I know). Read somewhere it is changed at night.

I wish they hadn't sent me the ED forms now. Got my hopes up when I was happy to wait the 12 months beforehand.

Just a little warning to others I suppose. Don't always think it will automatically happen in a certain amount of time after receiving and returning EDREV forms if at all and if it does it's a bonus.
gettingoutofdebt Posted - 27 August 2009 : 13:09:38
Have you checked the Insolvency Register to see if it shows you as discharged - http://www.insolvency.gov.uk/eiir/. You don't always get confirmation from the OR.

You could always ring the OR and see what is happening. Normally you would have expected to be discharged in end-June or early July if you sent the forms back at the beginning of May.
hadenuff Posted - 27 August 2009 : 11:48:31
So if I've been waiting since 1st May this year since I sent my EDREV forms back, can I assume I won't be getting an early discharge?
paulsc Posted - 25 August 2009 : 19:33:31
yo good luck sparkle hope it happens

Sparkle83 Posted - 25 August 2009 : 18:47:43
yeah, 6 months is the earliest that I've seen. My EDREV came at 5.5months, and OR reckons 6 wks minimum from then, so if I'm lucky I'd be looking at 7

Weeks of BR

(EDREV received and returned at exactly 24 weeks)25

gettingoutofdebt Posted - 25 August 2009 : 17:07:32
There isn't a set time period but anywhere around 6 months is very good. I haven't heard of anyone getting ED before 6 months but it may have happened.

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