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 what reasons would an early discharge be given

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
m88 Posted - 01 September 2009 : 21:06:48
what reasons would an early discharge be given ,or is it at the discreation of the OR.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gettingoutofdebt Posted - 07 September 2009 : 16:41:35
I assumed M88 was talking about an NT IPA, which only lasts for the current financial year but the OR would normally want to make sure the IPA was properly implemented (i.e. you have signed the forms and made a payment) before closing your case. It would need to be the same with a NT IPA in that the NT Tax Code can only be implemented when you are BR so if the person is discharged before it is implemented then it probably can't happen.
xmas baby Posted - 07 September 2009 : 15:52:17
Just out of curiosity, why should it matter whether you have an IPA or not when determining an early discharge from BK?

An IPA continues for 3 years regardless, so surely this should have no effect on whether you should be given early discharge or not?

xmas baby
gettingoutofdebt Posted - 07 September 2009 : 15:46:06
The NT IPA will last until the end of the financial year or when you change employers whichever is first. If the OR is still looking into your case and has contacted IR then it means your case hasn't been completed so ED won't be happening at the moment.
m88 Posted - 07 September 2009 : 15:09:36
just got letter saying the inland revenue MAY issue a NT tax code to my employer,i work part-time and my tax is around £120 per month,is this likely to happen and if it does ,how long will IPA last and will this put a end to my hopes of a early discharge -cheers

gettingoutofdebt Posted - 02 September 2009 : 09:17:22
ED is at the discretion of the OR but the OR contacts your creditors and if one of them disagrees with the ED then it won't happen. The creditors need to give a valid reason to stop ED and not just 'we don't want this person to have an ED'.
m88 Posted - 02 September 2009 : 07:58:11

jwmc77 Posted - 02 September 2009 : 01:00:21
it is at the discretion of the er but, there's a good chance of one if you dont have an ipa, you've co-operated fully and there's no indication of fraud.


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