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 Can anyone name a good bank, for self employed

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sjbyron Posted - 04 September 2009 : 18:23:43

As im now thinking of going self employed I once again need to look for a new bank account as the one I have (coventry) wont allow cash payments, and as I will be paid in cash that aint going to work.

Ive tried RBS and its been referreed to the bankruptcy team and I still have my coop accounts but am reluctant to use them. Of course their is thinkbanking, but can anyone else name a good account.

Stu J Byron
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gettingoutofdebt Posted - 06 September 2009 : 08:16:10
I can't see why you couldn't use it as a business account if it has all of the features you want. It says that it 'may be suitable if you manage funds for a charity or club' but doesn't say that this is all it can be used for.

If branches aren't aware of this account, as harbourmaster mentions, then print off the Internet page showing the details and take it with you to a branch when opening the account. Mention to them that you are starting a business as a personal trainer and need an account to pay this money into this account and I can't see it being a problem.

If you look at http://www.bankofscotlandbusiness.co.uk/currentaccounts/business_current_account.asp, which is the business account the only real difference is that you get a 'Relationship Manager'.

As you are not going to be paying employees there isn't a need for a full-blown business account. You just need somewhere to put your income from your business to keep it separate from your personal money.
sjbyron Posted - 05 September 2009 : 18:48:32
But is it allowed to sole traders and self employed or just clubs and charaties

Stu J Byron
harbourmaster Posted - 05 September 2009 : 18:41:44
Gettingoutof debt has beaten me to it. It is not known in the branches but it IS available. I have one. If you go to a branch to open one you just need to be persistent.
gettingoutofdebt Posted - 05 September 2009 : 08:56:01
Originally posted by sjbyron

Hi Harbourmaster I cant find that account on the halifax website can you direct me

Stu J Byron

Here you go - http://www.halifax.co.uk/savings/treasurersaccount.asp

Good luck with the career change.
sjbyron Posted - 05 September 2009 : 00:06:35
Thank you Richard

You too

Stu J Byron
sjbyron Posted - 04 September 2009 : 23:23:56
Hi Harbourmaster I cant find that account on the halifax website can you direct me

Stu J Byron
sjbyron Posted - 04 September 2009 : 23:21:40
Hi Richard
its not due to Bankruptcy that im not going back to nursing its due to other personal and professional reasons.

Stu J Byron
harbourmaster Posted - 04 September 2009 : 22:55:44

There is a little known business account that can be used by BR's with the Halifax.It can only be used to pay in cash and cheques and you get a paying in book. Its called a treasurers account.
Housing Posted - 04 September 2009 : 22:30:06
Hi Stu,

Do you not want to continue to practice as a nurse? I apologise if you have said this before.

I was in hospital in April after an attempt at ending it and suffering a breakdown and the two days I was on this particular ward, two nurses had said they were BR - so there is no problem with BR (or discharged in your case soon)as far as the profession is concerned.

It seems that the profession needs good nurses...

Good luck again, Richard

"There are no problems - only solutions..."
sjbyron Posted - 04 September 2009 : 21:30:35
Thank you Richard

Stu J Byron
Housing Posted - 04 September 2009 : 21:24:25
Good luck Stu in whatever you do.

9 weeks is not a long time - regards, Richard

"There are no problems - only solutions..."
sjbyron Posted - 04 September 2009 : 21:20:51

An update, I ruung the coop and they put me through to the managed accounts section and he said that my accounts I have with them are run excellently and I can use direct debits and standing orders on the account, he said that the person who told me I couldnt broke protocol and acted inappropriately and he hoped that I will start to use the account again, they have also unblocked my cash ISA and said that they can offer me savings account when they have my letter of discharge on file, which I need to send them.

They also said he visa debit is a visa debit-electron but the 450875 cards which at present electron cards are being phased out and will start to act as a full debit card soon.

They also said I can use the account as self employed or could try for a business account.

So I may go back to them, using one cashminder account as my wage account, the other to hold for stoppages and the isa to hold some monies back for contingency planning.
9 weeks to go and hopefuly a brighter start.

Stu J Byron
Housing Posted - 04 September 2009 : 19:39:59
Hi Stu

I agree the Co-op Cashminder is generally a great a/c for us who are BR - I know that you have had issues with them on earlier postings - try to resolve the differences you have with them.

Good luck if you are going down the road of self employment - good luck with all that you do, not just that. regards, Richard

"There are no problems - only solutions..."
Niobe Posted - 04 September 2009 : 19:19:04
Why are you reluctant to use the Co-op account? Seems to me it's an ideal solution as you can pay cheques in to it.

The glimmer gets brighter all the time

sjbyron Posted - 04 September 2009 : 18:39:16
Barclays where a major creditor of mine and im abit unsure of whether to trust them or not

Stu J Byron

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