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 Feeling shakey again! Its 6 weeks since I went BK

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
helen_w5 Posted - 04 September 2009 : 22:29:49
Feeling shakey again! Its 6 weeks since I went BK and at first i was a total mess, since then I have managed to get my head together and was sort of ok ish, but today when I got home from work I had the letter enclosing the NT form to sign - it just hit me hard again how serious this all is and it freaked me out again... Now im in bed, sad and depressed and feeling like my life is over once again. The worst bit is that ive met an amazing guy who I really like, but I just know that at some point he will find out about my BK and that will be the end of me and him. I wish I could turn back time and do something differently I feel like a total failure, I want to run away, but I dont know where to!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Housing Posted - 04 September 2009 : 22:43:23
Hi again,

I am sure you will be fine.

Stay positive

Richard x

"There are no problems - only solutions..."
helen_w5 Posted - 04 September 2009 : 22:40:03
Thanks for your fast reply....

Not been to doc as I just picked up to normal really quickly once the initial shock ended, but I do come home every day with a fear of opening my mail, its like im expecting there to be a problem even though im pretty sure ive done nothing wrong....

Its just the unknown that is scary!
Housing Posted - 04 September 2009 : 22:37:18
Hi Helen

Nice to see you posting again - have missed you!!

Please do not despair - we are all of us in the position that you are in and I have to say, I have good days and then I have dreadful days so we know what you suffering...

You have jumped the highest hurdle - do not fall at the next - stay calm - post whenever you need to "talk" and someone will respond and, hopefully pick you up

If you have not already done so, go and see your GP about depression and anxiety - if your GP is any he or she will offer you support and maybe cognitive counselling.

Does your boyfriend know anything about your BR? Does he need to know yet - see how your relationship develops - if he thinks anything of you, he will be supportive, I am sure

DO NOT STRESS - be brave, Richard xx

"There are no problems - only solutions..."

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