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 my partner has been living with me for 2 years

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rr1951 Posted - 06 September 2009 : 17:52:53
my partner has been living with me for 2 years, and paying half the bills and mortgage, we she be entitled to anything if i make myself bankrupt, i don't think there is any equity in the house, we have 2 children and would like to stay in the house if poss
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gettingoutofdebt Posted - 06 September 2009 : 19:10:44
I am not too sure what you mean by whether your partner would be entitled to anything if you are BR?

If there is no equity in the house then you could buy back the beneficial interest in it from the OR for £1 + £211 fee.

If there was equity in the house then the OR would want to release this to pay to your creditors.

In either case you would need to keep up with the mortgage repayments on the house.

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