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 it seems to easy.. Is it really that simple??

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lkd Posted - 06 September 2009 : 21:45:37
Just read a post about someone not having a cousrt date till nov! I rang the court last week to see what i had to do and was told to just turn up at the court any day mon - fri at 10am and it will all be done!! it seems too easy and quick. so filled in forms on thurs and going down tommorrow but really nervous!

would be interested to hear how it was for other people!!
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Reviva UK Posted - 06 September 2009 : 22:14:04

each court does things differently.

some run a turn up on the day and others make appointments.

some require 1 set of paperwork while others require 2 or 3 sets.

some require you to make the claim for a reduction in court fees well before the day.

some courts you see the judge and others you don't.

some courts you need to take documents in 1, 2 or even 3 weeks before the court date.

some judges go through every line with the applicant while others rely on a summary from the clerk.

Wonderful how standardised it all is!

Paul Johns
Bankruptcy Specialists
Reviva UK

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