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 Car value allowed when going BR

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Flush Posted - 07 September 2009 : 08:44:35
Hi all,

My wife is about to go BR, and was wondering what, if any, does to the receiver generally allow you to keep for work / ferrying the kids around. Her car value is around about £1600. Scared they will take it off her.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
memphisd56 Posted - 09 September 2009 : 13:23:41
My O.R questioned why i should keep my 11 yr old Mondeo...until i said i needed it for hospital visits, then i was asked if it was a health reason, or distance reason...the correct relpy was of course...Health reasons!!. That did the trick!

Another car i owned was being scrapped....the O.R sent letters and wanted written confirmation that it WAS scrapped....or they would do it themselves??!...Since scrap value was good...i did it myself!.
Reviva UK Posted - 08 September 2009 : 19:28:11
i suppose that this is one of the benefits of the forum and or professional experts who have experience of different courts & different OR's.

always worth posting "bad experiences" so that folk can be aware

Paul Johns
Bankruptcy Specialists
Reviva UK

Real People ..... Real Debt Solutions
shelleyandrew76 Posted - 08 September 2009 : 11:07:03
I agree xmas baby. I think there should be fixed rules across the board. Our OR seems to want to take everything from us and others are lucky to keep some of their things :-(

xmas baby Posted - 08 September 2009 : 10:35:14
Nothing seems to be clear-cut in BK. Why are some cars taken, even if they are of relatively low value, while others are not. I was lucky as I got to keep mine, even though I don't need it for essential travel. I guess I had a nice OR.

Surely there are fixed rules, otherwise you could be unfortunate and get a horrible OR who does everything by the book, without exceptions.

xmas baby
Reviva UK Posted - 07 September 2009 : 22:00:43
the value of the car is not the primary reason for collecting it.

I have a client who forgot about a 25 year old car rotting in her parents field with a tree growing through it. even though the car was worthless and it cost several hundred pounds to recover, it had to be collected.

there are liability issues and other factors to take into account.

Paul Johns
Bankruptcy Specialists
Reviva UK

Real People ..... Real Debt Solutions
debtinfo Posted - 07 September 2009 : 19:00:09
Hi Xmas. The IS has a deal with car take back scheme that will dispose of cars for the OR for Free, which is why you have to pay a small amount to keep low value cars (if not exempt)
xmas baby Posted - 07 September 2009 : 14:51:07
Hi there,

If the car is of relatively low value, there is a chance the OR will not take it off you, even if its not needed for essential use, such as work. I have a 13 year old KA and its probably worth less than £500 and I got to keep it for a nominal fee of £100. I only use it for shopping and visiting my elderly mum. I was pleased they didn't take it but I think it would have cost them more to dispose of it than to let me keep it. Obviously if a car is worth a substantial amount of money, then you can probably expect the OR to take it for sure.

xmas baby
shelleyandrew76 Posted - 07 September 2009 : 12:37:25
Hi flush. If you can build a strong case as to why you need the car coz you dont need it for work then you can do this. The OR is trying to take our car and although my husband does use it for work when hes here they are arguing the case that he doesnt need it on a day to day basis as he goes away alot with his job. I have a hearing on the 30th Sept to put my case across. Fingers crossed I have a strong enough case.

Jane.l Posted - 07 September 2009 : 10:23:09
you won't be allowed a car for ferrying the kids around but if you can make a case that you need one for work, then normally it is up to a maximum of £2000

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