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T O P I C    R E V I E W
totally lost Posted - 07 September 2009 : 10:40:43
I am having problems opening an account due to lack of matching ID/ address-name as I have just moved.
I cant send away my drivers licence off to be amended to my new address due to a holiday soon so Im stuck in the middle at the moment...and worried about my money being taken out of my RBS account as RBS is one of my creditors..!

I have no debt with f.ex Natwest, Lloyds, Alliance Leicester or Nationwide...do I go into these banks and try and open a basic account?? Or will this look even worse on my 'credit'file..??

Do I see 'anyone' in these banks or do I ask for someone more senior and explain why I need the account...?? Or do I apply online as 'normal' ??

Or do I keep my fingers crossed and wait for after my holiday and send off my to get my drivers lic updated and then I can have a THINK account for approx £13 a month....???

Last month I went straight to the bank on payday and withdrew all the money to be sure....and I am facing having to do this again end of Sept.

I have read somewhere on the forum that Natwest can be BR friendly..?

Please help!

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gettingoutofdebt Posted - 07 September 2009 : 12:00:37
I had to provide ID. I telephoned them to open the account and it was deferred presumably because I am not on the electoral register. A few days later I received a letter from them saying that they needed ID for me to open the account. There were lots of different IDs you could provide. Some required 2 copies of ID (i.e. a Council Tax bill and a utility bill), others (driving licence, passport) only required one copy.

You can send a copy of the ID off but I decided to pop into a local'ish branch with my passport. It was photocopied and I received the account number and debit card about 10 days later.
totally lost Posted - 07 September 2009 : 11:29:18
Originally posted by gettingoutofdebt

Do you have any utility/bank correspondence with your new address on them at all?

I wouldn't worry about your credit file as it won't be good any way but I am not aware of the banks that you listed being BR friendly.

I know if you apply to the Co-op and it is deferred you can just use your passport as ID. This is what I had to do as I am not on the electoral register.

Where you accepted straight away for the Coop account? Or did you have to write to Coop and then provide ID's..?
gettingoutofdebt Posted - 07 September 2009 : 10:59:23
Do you have any utility/bank correspondence with your new address on them at all?

I wouldn't worry about your credit file as it won't be good any way but I am not aware of the banks that you listed being BR friendly.

I know if you apply to the Co-op and it is deferred you can just use your passport as ID. This is what I had to do as I am not on the electoral register.

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