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 got a IPA from OR telling me the tax i pay

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
m88 Posted - 07 September 2009 : 18:58:43
got a IPA from OR telling me the tax i pay will be used to pay a IPA ,how long will this last and does it mean no chance of a early discharge -cheers
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
m88 Posted - 07 September 2009 : 20:00:15

debtinfo Posted - 07 September 2009 : 19:18:39
It wil last either until

a) The new tax year - April 2010


b) you change jobs

which ever is sooner, it will not affect ED
gettingoutofdebt Posted - 07 September 2009 : 19:18:08
This in a NT IPA and will last until the end of the financial year (Match 2010) or until you change employers, whichever comes first.

A NT IPA has nothing to do with ED. Once it has been implemented and the OR has finished with your case then you 'may' be eligible for ED.

Don't forget that ED is a bonus and you should be prepared for AD. 12 months BR is not a long time to completely wipe out all debts and have a fresh start in your financial life.

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