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 Death during bankruptcy

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
baxi Posted - 07 September 2009 : 19:43:12

A strange question, but just one i was wondering about. If a person who is currently an undischarged bankrupt passed away, then would their works pension get paid to the OR?

If they were discharged then i presume it would get paid to whoever it said in the will, am i right?

If the person died whilst being undischarged but the money wasn't actually sorted until when they would've been discharged, then what happens then?

Thanks in advance for any help.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
debtinfo Posted - 07 September 2009 : 20:51:06
Hi if the person dies during bankruptcy it does not matter how long it takes to sort out the money it could still be an asset. What matters is who the beneficiary is. If the beneficiery is the bankrupts estate which would normally then go into a will the the OR will take it. If the beneficiary if for instance a spouse directly wothout going through the will/probate then the spouse would get it. Most of the time it goes into the estate and so to the OR

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