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United Kingdom
3290 Posts |
Posted - 30 December 2009 : 19:38:05
I have to say John is right, a while back this thread wouldn't have been half as civilised! John, I was worried about asking you the questions as I didn't want to cause a problem!
My personal opinion is that the forum has improved for the better - it's friendlier, and I feel the advice is better.
Regarding IVA -v- BR -v- DMP, I think the best advice to give anyone is to research all solutions, and not to rush into a decision. I was told by the company I went with that I didn't want to go BR and the other options were never explained to me.
I would have preferred my IVA to work, but it was unsustainable - it wasn't just tight, I had actually had a negative each month. Maybe if I'd been given all the information I would have chosen BR to start with, but who knows...
Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.
View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/
30 IPA payments made, 6 to go - the end is in sight! |
New Member

United Kingdom
73 Posts |
Posted - 30 December 2009 : 23:26:17
Hi Richard many thanks for the welcome. Having noted the member name and your true name I had at first thought, on reading your posts, that I remembered you from my previous time on here. Although if I'm correct your member name was different then.
Am I right in thinking you reside, or previously resided, in North Wales?
In any case a very Happy New Year to you too.
And the same wishes go to you Skippy. The longest serving member of the site I think? An acheivement in itself. I understand your trepidation in asking the question of me, as you say, you and I have been here before and seen such things deteriorate quite quickly.
Not wishing to turn the thread into a backslapping exercise but I have long been a fan and valued your knowledge, your opinion and supported your right to voice it. The site needs a balanced view particularly from experts and the more prolific posters.
John White Independent Debt Consultant Specialising in Bankruptcy |
Senior Member

United Kingdom
1399 Posts |
Posted - 31 December 2009 : 10:11:31
Hi John,
No, I am not from North Wales - but I am a Welshman, that lives in Plymouth in Devon.
I have never posted before July this year - too many Richard Parrys I guess!!
I wish you and yours a Happy and Prosperous New year, Regards, Richard
"There are no problems - only solutions..." |
Edited by - Housing on 31 December 2009 10:35:06 |
forum expert

United Kingdom
3290 Posts |
Posted - 31 December 2009 : 11:07:10
Thanks John. I didn't realise I was the longest serving member - I really must find other things to do with my time!!! I haven't posted continuously though as like you I went away for a while after things got a little heated!
Happy New Year x
Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.
View my blog at http://skippy13.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/
30 IPA payments made, 6 to go - the end is in sight! |
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