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United Kingdom
4590 Posts |
Posted - 13 April 2009 : 14:41:01
I believe it is taken off as soon as you are discharged.
The glimmer gets brighter all the time
Jan xx |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
115 Posts |
Posted - 13 April 2009 : 18:45:41
Hi Kallis... xX
Thanks on that reply... It sounds crazy that even though things can only get better... Silly little things on BR... Still get into ya mind...
My Regards lil Shaza. (markm) xX
markm. xX |
forum expert

United Kingdom
3290 Posts |
Posted - 13 April 2009 : 21:42:04
Your details come off the insolvency register 3 months after you are discharged, so if you went BR in Jan 05 and had automatic discharge after 12 months your details would come off in April 06.
Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.
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22 IPA payments made, 14 to go - on the home straight! |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
115 Posts |
Posted - 14 April 2009 : 14:42:29
Hi Skippy xX
Thanks on that reply... I was not discharged 12 month afer being made BR... My name was defentley still on the register... November 2008... So !!!
The trustee execuited the possession order they had on my house December 4. 2008... Unless its been taken off then !!! Or maybe when weve paid to have the house back !!! Just I didnt think it would have came off that quick... We havent recieved any documents from the trustees solistor yet... So !!!
Thanks. My regards lil Shaza. (markm) xX
markm. xX |
Starting Member
28 Posts |
Posted - 16 April 2009 : 09:21:49
Hi guys, I have been quite busy and have just caught up with your thread. Make sure you get a full breakdown of costs from the trustee and his/solicitors. Get a full written record of disbursements. If they fob you off demand it.
If there is anything you don't understand or that don't make sense get advice and ask. You have that right. Just coz you have paid don't mean you can't complain. Your in a better position now because you have your house back and if you feel that you were treated unfairly ####### complain to the relevant bodies. I would.
take care regards
sonia |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
115 Posts |
Posted - 17 April 2009 : 00:04:16
Hi Sonia & All xX
Thanks on posting... xX
Well still no documents from the trustee or there solistor... But has been the holidays... So will give another week before giving them a ring !!! The land registry to be transfered back into our names too !!! So soon as... The better...
Our house is getting there too... Its looking great & feeling more like our home... Amazing what a good clean & a lick of paint can do... (It did stand empty for over 3 months) !!! We just about done upstairs n once down stairs is just about done... We will be moving back in... (yipeee) xX Our house !!! xX
Well for now, my good people n everyone on the forum... its bye for now... Will be posting n looking on the forum, when we have a minute & are able... xX
My regards always lil Shaza. xX
markm. xX |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
115 Posts |
Posted - 17 April 2009 : 16:06:03
Hi All On The Forum... xX
We still reading & posting on the forum... Its funny how every minute i have free... its the first thing i do... haha xX Suppose the forum was a everyday thing... When my bad days n help we needed in my BR... xX Its strange when you posting n trying to advice n help others on the forum... I duno about everyone else,,, but im sometimes scared incase i upset, or give someone the wrong advice !!! on different postings... Its quite hard as everyones BR & the people involved are different... int it ???
Well for now my good people... Bye... xX
My regards always lil Shaza. xX
markm. xX |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
115 Posts |
Posted - 19 April 2009 : 10:23:16
Hi All on the forum... xX
Does anyone no how long it normally takes for a trustee to change the land registry back into someone in BR ??? In my BR, He executed a warrant & took possession... To sell it on the open market... There was an offer made by someone... We payed to the trustee the full moneys they would have gettin if the house was sold... He handed the keys of our property back to us... That was over 2 weeks ago... Weve still recieved no documentation from the trustee... !!! ??? !!!
My Regards lil Shaza. xX
markm. xX |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
115 Posts |
Posted - 29 May 2009 : 23:54:49
Hi All on the forum... xX
We havent posted on the forum for quite some time... As weve never really stopped from getting our house back...
Just to let you,s no that all is ok on our end... We finally got documentation through & signed by the trustees solistor last week... The land registry signed back over to us !!!
We havent forgettin about the forum & everyone on it... We will be posting n trying to help people in BR... As they helped us every step of the way... xX in mine... xX
From getting our house back... Weve had a few set backs n things gone wrong !!! But we well on our way now & can honestly say... Things & life are a lot better... xX
Well for now my good people Bye... xX
My Regards lil Shaza... (markm,s wife) xX xX
markm. xX |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
115 Posts |
Posted - 30 May 2009 : 00:00:29
timendi~causcrest~nesire !!! xX
markm. xX |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
158 Posts |
Posted - 30 May 2009 : 07:35:41
Hi Shazza I glad everything worked out for you and Mark, All the best for the Future,
Junior Member

United Kingdom
115 Posts |
Posted - 29 September 2009 : 12:21:42
Hi ALL...
Sorry weve not posted on the forum for a long time... Just to let everyone no... How life & things are for us at the minute... Well people... Life couldnt be better... We back in our family home & are so happy... To think of life this time last year & throughout bankruptcy... All seems to be av been a really bad dream... So people out there who are feelin at there worst & lowest time through Bankruspsy... Try & stay strong... As things can & will only get better !!! There is defo life & better things after bankrupsy... for most... Me & my family are proof of that... There is happiness, good life, & better times ahead... After Bankruptsy bad times... Thinking of yous All people...
my regards Lil Shaza... (Markm,s wife) xX :)
markm. xX |
Starting Member
1 Posts |
Posted - 09 September 2010 : 20:25:21
Very true, stay strong! |
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