may seem like d daft question but wanted to check. i need to do some food shopping but we have no money in our account until thursday. if i use overdraft on other account and pay it off on thusrday will thta be looked upon badly. we are due to go bankrupt on 2nd february.
the account i will be using is one thats going into the bankruptcy. its been over drawn for while but i will put money back in for the shopping before we go to court. do not want the or to think we are bleeding overdraft dry just before we go to court. its only £60 or so and it will be back in the account and cleared before we go bankrupt.
Be very careful about using accounts that are OD and will be included in the BR especially if you have another account. Ideally the OD account should be left alone and treated as a dead account.
I had a similar situation and didn't use the dead account, which was OD, for 2 months prior to BR. The OR made a point about asking me when I had last used the account and a couple of other questions regarding the usage of the account just prior to my BR so this is something that some ORs may look at very closely.
In certain circumstances paying back the money to the OD account could be seen as creditor favouritism as you are paying part of one debt off but not paying any others.
If at all possible I wouldn't use the dead account.
Edited by - gettingoutofdebt on 24 January 2010 15:08:11
ok thank you, i will wait until thursday and not use the account. worrying now thought because we only stopped using the OD account few weeks ago because we only just opened the co op account, nothing we can do about it now but worried this will cause problems
It shouldn't cause problems having used the OD account a few weeks ago but if you have stopped using it then it is better not to start using it again if at all possible.
When I spoke to a couple of IPs they asked me about my bank accounts and I mentioned my OD account and my Co-op account. As I had a Co-op account as well they advised me not to use the OD one any more.