Hi, I havent used this site an awful lot but it has still been a great help and just wanted to share my court experience, hopefully it can help put some others mind at rest. After meaning to go BR for over a year no but always putting it off, we took the plunge and went to court last Friday. I was so worried but it was really not scary at school. The BR clerk was lovely and accepted our fee remission forms there and then so didn't have to pay the £150 fee. After going through our forms we waited to see the judge, but were told our case was straight forward and he didn't need to see us. We then had a 10 min conversation over the phone with the OR who was really nice and friendly who told us what would happen next and also said we should be able to keep our bank account. Don't want to make light of the situation as going BR is a big deal but if you are about to go to court, please don't worry as it wasn't a bad experience at all.