HI, i have been on a DMP for some time now and i am considering bankruptcy, although i have no savings or assets at all. i am in rented accomodation with my partner. i pay the majority of the rent, as when we moved in i had no money for a deposit therefore we agreed i would pay the majority of the rent. my question is: when i apply, will i need to prove this agreement? i only have a bank statement for the account from which the rent is taken. apart from the tv licence, nothing else comes from this account and it clearly shows that i have paid the majority for the rent consistantly for the time we have lived here. Im concerned that i will be forced to tell my partner he has to reconsider the arrangment, as he is already paying back for borrowing the deposit? i hope this makes sense and im very grateful for your time.
What is your level of debt? if under £15k you may be better off looking at a Debt Relief Order
Melanie Nicholas 29 years insolvency experience - 23 of which in the Insolvency Service - Insolvency Manager Jones Giles email me at melanienicholas@jonesgiles.co.uk