my bank have frozen my accounts for 3 weeks now, even though the official receivers have sent the bankruptcy department 2 faxes to say they have no interest in my accounts they have still frozen it, my other problem is i did have my wages payed into my account and even though i give work my new bank account details by mistake they put my wages into my old account which i can't get to. I have phoned the council about my wages and they said they will try and get the money back but im not sure if the bank will let them do that with it being frozen. Im stuck unless i can get my wages as i have no other income and have two children to care for, im really worried what to do if the bank will not unblock my account soon, is there anyone i can complain to about this situation. I just dont know where to turn to next. I did receive a letter from the bank this monday just gone stating that if the official receivers have no interest they will close my accounts but it was nearly 3 weeks ago when the official receivers sent them the fax, please help
personally i would ask the OR to resend the fax or call them up and ask them to unfreeze them you need the money to live 3 wks is too long to wait and they have no right to hold onto your money. have you got a COOP cashminder account they are BR friendly
Don't worry or know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.(Baz Lurhman) RevivaUK and Paul Johns helped me through it all i can't recommend them enough!!
i have asked the OR to resend them another fax but all they seem to do is deny they have received it even though i have a confirmation code from the fax to prove it has been sent to them. I have opened a cashminder account, im only hoping that the benefits will be payed into that account and not go to my old one. I cant believe how bad santander are at not dealing with this and i would advice anyone who is thinking of going bankrupt close all accounts with them first. I have just emailed a bank complaints ombudsman and hope they can do something, other than that i dont know, im worried sick :(
i would speak to the OR and maybe their superior as it is getting critical now for you to have access to your money and the ORs office should be able to chivy them along a bit. alternatively take the ORs letter to the nearest santander branch and ask to see the manager awkward customers in the public eye are generally bad press for banks and they often sort it out quickly
Don't worry or know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.(Baz Lurhman) RevivaUK and Paul Johns helped me through it all i can't recommend them enough!!