I read on this forum that the Judge will ask whether I have received any professional advice and if I haven't then he will refuse to make me BR. Can anyone confirm if this is the case please.
I have visited and filled in many questionairres on variour websites all advising BR with my level of debt and my income/expenditure but I have not been to any solicitor. Am I going to have any problems with this.
I completed my forms etc myself and they were then sent to my Insurance company legal dept as I had insurance that would cover the BR fees. They read it and approved my claim.
the judge wants to make certain that you are taking the correct decision and that you have thought through the options.
you have sought advice from the internet so the answer could be yes and you have taken advice from your insurance company.
normally i would encourage individuals to take advice from bankruptcy specialists not solicitors or insurance companies but as they are footing the bill sounds the right people to speak to.