I was decalred bankrupt on 10/4/08. I have been paying my gas and electricity every quarter which worked out at approx £120per quarter EACH.I have just been sent 'revised due to estimated' bills.I only moved into the property july 07 (less than a yr) its only a 1 bed flat yet they now claim i owe £1,200 arrears electric and £900gas!!!britishgas for you i guess.How do i go about this? i have already had pre payment meters fitted AFTER my bankruptcy as part of my own personal budget plans now they are taking £10 elec arrears off of it and £8 gas.do i just tell them im bankrupt and give them the name of the OR office dealing? or do i have to inform the OR? Trust me I'd rather not have to speak to my OR ever again ,I just want to get on with my life!
Effectively, this debt was incurred prior to your BR and so should be able to be written off. I know it can sometimes be unpleasant, but I would suggest making the OR aware. Given your description of the property etc, I would claim it was an "inadvertance" that you forgot to disclose this on your SOA and take things from there.