Gosh you must have been really worried at the time but im really pleased it all worked out ok for you in the end.
I work in Housing Benefits so although i dont have control over any budgets, there is an element of financial responsibility. I may just bite the bullet and go and speak HR before we take the step.
I was surprised that when speaking to a colleague in the strictest confidence, they told me Im not alone and many other people in the authority are going through a similar thing as us. I know it isnt nice to say, but it gives me a bit of comfort knowing im not alone.
Just make sure you keep records of who you spoke to, dates times etc just in case you do get called in for a meeting like I did. I also went in to my meeting with everything wrote down and planned answers for questions they may ask.
If at any point your unsure post back on here and the experts or someone will be able to help. I’m no expert at all but I do have a little knowledge about BR and Local Government so let me know if your struggling.
As I said earlier I’m about 6weeks of my AD now and I have been coming on this website daily reading post. I would recommend you do the same because you always learn something new about BR in general especially with any future rule changes that may affect you in say 6months time.