the property was sold as 3 lease hold flats and I retained the free hold. The official receiver got a charge on the free hold but has not done anything about it. My understanding at the moment is that if they havent sold the asset within 3 years then the asset returns to the owner, is this not the case?
I have been quite confussed because of a news report concerning a business man who owned a pier when he went bankrupt and he tried to get the peir back because the official receiver had not dealt with the asset within the 3 year period. Yhe responce by the Official receiver was that they had sold it the welsh heritage or some aimular organisation. But thank you for your help.
Not sure but I done think it was likely as it is almost derelict, the local counsil was trying to get lottery funding too bring the peir back into use. Not sure what was going on but that case and the fact that I have just received a letter from the lease holders to buy the freehold set me thinking, howevere it sounds like there is no point in me getting involved after all this time but thanks for there help. John