If the OR has stated they have no interest in my new bank account. Do I need to declare anything to them?
I think I've messed up by checking to see if a £250 compensation payout for a recent spell in Hospital was allowed - and they may well now have it as an Asset.
If I had not said anything and simply put it into my new account would I have done wrong? Can they access my new account or ask me for it a few months down the line even though they say they have no interest in it?
You don't need to declare the new account details to the OR.
If you had just paid the compensation into your account you would have been wrong as any windfalls etc must be declared - it's important to be honest with the OR. If they suspect something they can ask for details of your new bank account.
Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realise that we cannot eat money.
Last IPA payment made on 28th June 2010 and I'm now looking forward to getting married in September 2012 - I'm proof that you can go BR and come out the other side.
When I recently filled in an income/expenditure form for my OR/Trustees, there was a question and section that asked if I had regular help or contributions to help with outgoings.
I've already done so - and sent via e-mail scans of my policy and discharge stuff. As for the rent thing I am sure I put it down in my SOA> I do recall telling the lady who I speak with about it and she was not concerned. To be fair it bypasses me anyway ( or did) but now we have help with the rent from the council we don't have to rely so much now.