I spoke to the court and i asked them out right if i could file for bankruptcy and they said that if i turned up at the court then they wouldn't turn me away for not having the termination letter, so i asked if that meant that i could go bankrupt and they said that they were not qualified to answer that and just that the office wouldnt turn me away without it so still non the wiser.Then i spoke to my iva company and i only have until march 2015 till iva is complete and they would look at my income and expenditure and see if could keep it going but i am worried that they will try to take my childrens disability allowance. They use it for all their clubs and care needs and little aside so they can have holiday. I am worried that they will say that they dont need to do that many clubs and that they want some of the money.
I have no idea what will happen as regards this. If you need to go BR then just tell the IVA company that you need to go br and want that letter sooner rather than later.
It doesn't matter how long you have to go - you want to go BR now!