When meeting with the OR, as myself and my wife are going BR, will our situation be dealt with together or will we have to do 2 seperate breakdowns in income and expenditure. Also, if we were to have around £1200 a month after our Income/Expenditure, would the IPA take around 70% or are they likely to take higher?
the 2 cases would normally be dealt with seperately. Therefore the fees will be £495 X 2.
I have not heard of a couple meeting / speaking to the examiner together but Suzanne, an expert on this site, has the greater insight into this point as she has previously been an examiner. Perhaps she will help here.
Re the £1200 DI,as far as I am aware 70% is the max percentage likely to be taken (£840 / Mth) but again Suzanne is the best person to answer this. I'm not sure if she posts at weekends but I am sure she'll offer her advice when she reads this thread.