My Br(my debt only) is due yo advertised in my local paper soon. Me(34) and my wife(26) are worried as we have kept it to ourselves. We are mostly trying to avoid her parents as they would really disaprove and maybe even snub her and she loves them very much and they get on well as i do too with them. Has anyone any info on what adverts are like and if you have had any feedback of friends or family who didnt know. We know her dad get this local paper, but question is woulsd he see the advert. We knew it was going to happen but worried now.
I think this will vary from paper to paper. If I recall correctly to the last one I saw in my area, it is like a court section in small print where all the cases are listed from Drink Driving to other offences to BR.
Why not buy your local rag and see? It certainly won't be in BLOCK CAPITALS.
I have known a number of people go BR and they too were concerned about this, but it never resulted in anything.